Thread: Help Again...
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Old 2006-10-26, 12:34 AM
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KosmicPup KosmicPup is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: roams the hills and hollers of west virginia
Help Again...

I hope you do not get tired of hearing stuid questions from me. but a few people were real helpful last time... NEW Question. Once i downland a cool concert.. i know it is in flac format...(see i have learned something) and i even know how to convert it to wav to put in a cd so i can listen to it in my trail blazer. wow wow... question is this...Do I keep the flac format of the concert on my hard drive.. hoping i do not fill it up... do i make a copy of the flac cd and keep in the corner for evah and evah... and how long do i keep it on the active torrent list. also i know i cannot trade the wav copies i have made.. so i have to keep them in my blazer or in my basement so no one will get a hold of them... or is it ok to send wav copies to a friend along with the flac copy... now i have confuzzeled myself again... can someone be so kind as to un confuzzel me. i sure wish there was some kind of instruction for Ole
Geezers... thanx again for putting up with me.... have a grate day....

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