Thread: upload speeds
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Old 2008-02-11, 10:25 AM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
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Location: California
Re: upload speeds

When you upload a show, the best thing to do it not run any other torrents and therefore give all your bandwidth to the torrent you are seeding. As far as what that speed will be, it will be about what you have seen before on other torrents. If you did a speed test and were told 125, that is actually 125/8 or around 15 in BitTorrent speed talk (which is what you are seeing). My advice would be to put in your seed thread a note at the bottom that reads "I am limited to only 15 KB/s upload speed, so please be patient as I seed the show." People are usually pretty patient and willing to wait and understand that not everyone has a T1 line to seed with (although there are the occasional dufuses that are clueless and ask why the torrent is so slow - just ignore them).
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