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Old 2007-03-01, 11:03 PM
scotteaton scotteaton is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Bit Torrent/Norton AntiVirus alert problem

I've recently downloaded a Bit Torrent update, and now I get a Norton AntiVirus Security Alert that I did not get before. Basically it says that Norton has detected a worm trying to access my computer and that if I've started a program that allows file sharing to select "Permit" to allow the program to continue. But when I select "Permit" the AntiVirus Security Alert will disappear only for a moment and then reappears again. I've tried to solve the problem myself with no luck, and have begun to ignore it by moving it off to the side of the screen so that it does not interfere with what I'm doing (no matter what it is always on top). However, I'm afraid that by simply ignoring the problem that it may/is preventing me from uploading. I can still download, however.

Does anybody have any ideas about how to solve the problem?

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