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Old 2007-02-11, 03:58 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
The "It's broken, please fix it" thread...

We are working on getting the new servers all ready for the move. Along with moving to our new servers, we are also upgrading some of our software. I don't anticipate any major problems {Lynne knocks on wood}. If you do notice something 'broken', please post it here so I can go fix it.

02-15-2007: We have finally moved!

Known Issues to Fix: (last updated 2/27/2006)
- upload/download speeds and connection time on Peers List - still unsure of what is going on here
- tracker seeders/leechers tracker stats are getting zapped every once in a while - I'm not sure if this is still going on
- upload/download stats are not updating (I'm pretty sure this is fixed, I'll keep an eye on it.)
- cron job to clean tracker stats
- tracker stats not showing on search/forumdisplay - we used to show the stats next to the thread when you looked in the ABT/VBT forums or after looking at New Posts - they are now showing, but still have the zapped bug above
- add xCache to the apache server
- basic server optimization - this will actually be ongoing for a bit since whenever you tweak something, you want to sit back and see how the server reacts
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