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Old 2007-11-16, 01:27 PM
How about sending you a spectral view image before seeding the actual gig?

Thanks for your previous replies Five, Jamie and U2Lynne concerning the same issue as here once again, but from a little bit different perspective.

How about if I wanted to send you a spectral view image before I seed the actual show in order to spare me some time not to fix the show ready to be seeded and all that?

Is it possible? And if so, how should I proceed? I thought the "Lossy or Lossless?" forum might be just perfect forum. Would it?

Second thought. Here at "Tecnobabble" forum there are such options as: "Attach Files" > Manage attachments. Would that be the exact answer what I'm looking for? How about the "Thread Subscription"? From which one of the options should I choose from?

Thank you.
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