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Old 2008-03-01, 01:35 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: Report all ratio issues here

It is off. What is confusing is your statement about disconnecting from the internet but not stopping the tracker. If you are disconnected from the internet, then you are not running your torrents. Not stopping your torrents means it will not have reported the data transferred between the last announce and your disconnect. It continues to try to 'talk' to the tracker, but it can't but it thinks it did. So, the updates go to nothingness.

I looked at your totals now (well, it was 11:24 PST when I started this post) and from your beginning and you were off by a total of .58, so I'll add that to your upload. In the future, if you are going to disconnect from the internet, first stop your torrents properly in bittorrent so it can communicate to the tracker your last update stats. (Pause may work also, but I'm not sure about that.)
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