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Old 2006-01-08, 12:20 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: Report all ratio issues here

bvn, I updated your stats.

The way the tracker works is when you log onto the main site, it grabs your IP. Then every so often, your bittorrent client talks to the tracker and updates your stats. When you talk to the tracker, you are just an IP to it. So, the tracker goes and looks up your IP in the database. If you had just logged onto the site from the same IP you were torrenting from, then everything is fine and it updates your stats correctly. However, things get confusing if you are torrenting from home (IP#1) and then you go to work and login (IP#2) because now, when your torrent talks to the tracker, it goes looking for IP#1 and can't find it because you have just logged on using IP#2.

Long story short...... login to the site from where you are torrenting and things should be OK.
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