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Old 2008-07-29, 01:56 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: Would these be appropriate for posting? *DVD SHOWS*

I can answer the question about the first show that says "Already in VCD format".... no go. Someone took a VCD and converted it to DVD format prior to burning it to DVD. That's kinda like taking an mp3 and converting it to wav and burning it to CD.

The others ones I want to say they are fine but I'll let a VBT Mod step in. I think they will ask where the show is from (as in, was it a recording of a show in the US - in which case it should be NTSC like the Disc 1- or a European show - in which case it should be PAL like Disc 2). Also, they will want to know a little more about what you see when you watch them so they can help you with the lineage.
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On a Mac? Get XLD to rip your CDs. Please see this guide - X Lossless Decoder (XLD): How to create flawless CD rips on Mac OS X

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