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Old 2007-02-01, 11:53 AM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: Trouble Uploading...

Ah, well, OK. I was doing something on the site the other day getting ready for the server move and accidentatlly changed permissions on the backup folder. This meant the backups were not getting moved to the folder but were being left in the original folder. So, the torrents are about 70 MB. Then the torrent backup gets left in the torrent folder and the next night the backup is twice as big - 140 MG. Then, the next night, twice as big again..... until we had a 19 GB (!?!?!) backup of the torrents sitting in the torrent folder and the harddrive was full.

(BTW, you don't need to bold all your posts, I can see them just fine without. )
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