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Old 2008-03-02, 06:56 AM
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showtaper showtaper is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Re: Removing logos from recorded programs

Why doesn't anyone try to be helpful without questioning motives that
were never given? The poster didn't say he was going to flood TTD with
"inferior" modified recordings.

I routinely de-logo video for my own viewing enjoyment (with varying results)
but only trade or torrent the original versions.

Try a search for virtualdub or virtualdub mod programs (freeware), and for
delogo or logoaway filters (also freeware). You can also find links to these
at (great site with loads of links and tutorials). Opaque
and motion logos are the hardest to remove, you'll have to experiment and
decide what artifacts you can live with in the finished product. For things
like time-code, I tend to just cover with a black box so I don't have to
watch the numbers whiz by.

Good luck and remember that the folks here (and most collectors) will want
un-modified originals should you happen to share.......
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