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Old 2006-07-02, 01:53 PM
sj1998 sj1998 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Tivoed video help

I have recently tivoed on highest quality a few great programs. Im in search of anyone who knows much about seeding videos to see what is necesary for the videos i have tivoed and burned to dvd to be able to be ripped and put up here to download as well as other places on line. The programs i have do need editing out of the commercials and could also need a little edditing themselves.
I am trying to get up the following videos:
Pearl Jam storytellers
The Drug Years parts 1,2,3 and 4.
and 2 History channel docs called Hooked: Illegal Drugs and How They Got That Way. One is on Marijuana and the other is called LSD, Ecstacy, and the Raves.

These are just a few of the recent things ive tivoed. If anyone has any knowledge of good ripping and editing programs i may go from there or if anyone has done this with other similar dvrs or like things and wants to help please do.

Thanks for any help/information

PS once i get this going i hope to add a running thread or poll here so if yall see something coming up ill be sure to tivo it and dont mind doing it for music or programs im not interested in as well.
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