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Old 2009-09-20, 08:19 PM
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Re: do remasters fit with the site's mission statement?

Originally Posted by jfaninord
How about banning any mastering and only allowing raw unedited recordings here?
You're missing the point. It's one thing for the taper to tweak their recording VS some attention seeking, clueless leech, eq'n it and seeding it as a Remaster OR some bullshit company tweak'n and selling it as a Silver.

There will always be a swath of the population who will buy Silvers because they don't know about torrent sites and it comes with fancy packaging/artwork, but these are the same people who don't understand what's wrong with mp3.

What leechs do with something once they get it can't be controlled, but when a taper shares their Master recording, there's zero reason to allow Un-Authorized Remasters to pollute the pool.
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