Thread: vinyl to flac?
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Old 2004-12-06, 03:57 PM
Re: vinyl to flac?

Originally Posted by Five
no shame in that, I'm from the vinyl era! When you do the tutorial, it would be cool if you chose something where people could pull up the "before" sample and follow your steps to make it exactly like the after sample. I'm sure you can dig something up!
Dunno if I can do that since I don't have the space. I guess they can try it on their stuff and listen for themselves.

Originally Posted by Five
Yeah, all those are worth playing around with... the funniest thing I found is that I got better results with lower fft numbers. This seems to defy logic but my ears don't lie! I seem to recall finding a scientific explanation for this recently but have since forgot it lol.
I've played with those settings so much that if forgot how the sound was affected with changes. That's why when I found settings I liked I made a txt file so i have the settings somewhere if i need them hehehe.

Originally Posted by Five
I used to listen to John a lot back the early 80's... I would love to get a couple shows from the Uh-huh and Scarecrow tours but I never see that stuff around! Please lemmie know if you've got this.
Did you see that A&E live show? It was a great show. I had sent an email to about a dozen people I had recently traded with about a week before the show. Only 2 responded and one said not interested. After teh show aired, I heard from 6 more people wanting it and one was the guy who said not interested lol.

I do have some jcm show I got in audio format. One is from 84 and is mostly an accoustic set on the famed wmms coffee break show in cleveland. But the other shows are great with lots of the oldies all soundboard. Check your pm's as I'll send you a link to my list if you're interested.
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