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Old 2008-07-20, 06:47 AM
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unclemeat unclemeat is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Re: Firewall and Fios

Like I said, I was venting in frustration and not just at your site but torrent sites in general (and at my general ignorance). And I apologize for that. Yes I appreciate knowing I'm firewalled when I sign in here. Of course that only works if I'm torrenting at the same time.

Anyway, I fixed my problem by doing something no one suggested. I plugged my Motorola router into an auxiliary port on the Actiontec router and basically took it out of the loop. After that I was able to start from scratch with a new static IP address. I configured the Actiontec according to and I'm good now.

So if you want a suggestion from me, here goes:

You ask for specific info on hardware and setup, look for similar situations to mine. I didn't need to have go through my Vonage router. Seems simple enough but no one mentioned it. I do understand others have to go through a multi-router setup, I didn't. Maybe it's something that could be added to the FAQ under Vonage or VOIP users. It would have saved me a lot of trouble and others may be in the same boat. You have to remember your level of computer experience is not everyone's level. Also the golden rule, KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid. I may be a dope for not doing the obvious in the first place, but I do know to look for help when I'm in over my head.

Anyway, thanks for your help and again I didn't mean to offend.
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