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Old 2022-11-30, 02:01 AM
Join Date: Nov 2022
iPhone .M4A>WAV Archiving Advice

Hi! I have 60+ concerts that I've recorded with my iPhone built-in mic throughout the years. They have all been done with the "lossless" setting turned on.

I'm seeking some highly-specific advice on how to best archive/share them.

They are all container .M4A files, with lossless ALAC compression. 48khz, mono.

Now, my plan is to go through these steps: Audacity (cuts/amplify)>WAV>CD WAVE (splits)>Trader's Little Helper>FLAC (level 8)

But, I have some knit-picking details I need help with first.

First of all, I've noticed it's common for people to normalize to 0.1db. All my recordings are in mono, so as I understand I would only need to amplify them. Why are people raising the volume to 0.1 instead of 0.0?

Now here's where it gets tricky. Many of my recordings have gaps, due to me filming video clips in between audio recording. Every time a new recording is started there is a split-second fade-in, this causes more of a 'jolt' to the listener ear when spliced together. So, to allow for precise editing for those who may want to remaster in the future (and smooth the jolt-cut point by crossfading) I'd like to have the next track start precisely at that point. To do this, I'd need to work on splitting each wave file separately, and then just put them all together.

My concern is that during playback this may cause a sector-boundary alignment issue. I've also seen on Trader's Little Helper that it cannot fix sector-boundary issues on mono files. Am I misunderstanding how that works?

I want to make sure I do everything perfect the first time, so I don't have to do it over. Besides making a .FFP file, is there anything else I'm forgetting?
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