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Old 2007-03-16, 11:00 AM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: another hippie needing help with ports/router

First off, forwarding your ports is NOT going to get you better speeds than what you are supposed to get from your ISP. All forwarding your ports does is make it so you are no longer firewalled. And, that means that you can then connect to all other possible peers - both firewalled and non-firewalled peers. If you are firewalled, you can only connect to non-firewalled peers - so it limits the number of peers it is possible for you to connect to.

I just looked at the torrents you are currently downloading. On some, you are listed as using port 64999 and on another you are using port 65513. So, something is wrong with your settings. You should be using the same port for all the shows. So, pick one, say 64999 and use that one.

In your system preferences, go to Network and pick your Built-in Ethernet (I would guess that is what you are using? Pick whatever has the Green light next to it) and hit Configure. On the TCP/IP page, do you have Configure IPv4 set to Manually? Under that, you will have an IP address that looks something like That is the IP you want to forward your ports to in your router. Are you able to get to your router by typing into your browser? That is where you then want to make sure DHCP is not on and then forward port 64999 to your IP, Make sure your Mac firewall is not on (Sys Preferences > Sharing > Firewall). Make sure port 64999 is set in Azureus. And, that should do it. Let us know where you are having problems with this.
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