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Old 2008-01-23, 08:53 AM
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dementrium dementrium is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Re: Attention uTorrent and BitTorrent users!

Ironically, these are very good news to me. Why? Because, now I can connect the dots to what probably happened to me in December.

The symptoms, so far...

The torrents happened to stop with an O.S. error msg. Something like "insufficient resources to complete the requested command".
Also, the other applications where affected too. Windows was unable to even display the some desktop icons. All in all, the system was dragging on its knees.
Reboot. Started (the same) torrents again. After a few minutes, the same thing.

It seemed that the problem wasn't related to RAM or HD resources.

After some checking, I was totally clueless. So, did what I call a PSM (Placebo System Maintenance).

This time the PSM consisted of freeing some HD space, backuping/erasing all torrent activity. So, I started torrenting again from zero, with new torrents. The problem didn't happen again. (Dots connected with the issue mentioned here... I hope ).

I will not upgrade at this moment, just to see if this happen again.

Thank you, people, for this info.
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