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Old 2005-01-20, 07:27 PM
Re: Audiophilia - The shntool frontend, v0.0.1 released, alpha testers needed

Originally Posted by pmonk66
Bumping this up to the front!

I am a soldier in the "I have no fucking idea how to get shntool to work" army
I can't get it to work via the WinXP command line, but if you want it to examine tracks for sector boundary errors, I use the following command in a .bat file:
shntool len *.flac > shnlength.txt
(You can substitute flac for any other audio extension)

Then, drag the bat file into the folder of files you want to analyze and start it up. The results will flash off the screen quickly, but will be saved to a text file within the directory. I've never had a problem with this method, I don't know why the other fancy commands in wharfrat's post are ever needed.
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