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Old 2005-06-13, 07:41 AM
Re: Slow Downloads....

Dextrous, your router is UPnP enabled so you should be able to get a green light in Azureus without having to forward any ports.

To turn UPnP on in Azureus, you need to have the UPnP Azureus plugin installed. I *think* that plugin automatically installs with Azureus, but if you don't have it, get it from the Azureus homepage. Once it's installed go to Options > Plugins > UPnP and check 'Enable UPnP'. For now, check all the other boxes too as they will help you find out whether UPnP is working properly. You can uncheck some of them later, such as the 'Report' ones.

You may or may not have to turn on UPnP within your router too. On my router I didn't have to turn it on at all. It seems that Azureus was able to activate it anyway. But that might not be the case with your router. To find out, exit Azureus and restart it. Look for the little popup window that tells you whether Azureus successfully mapped to the port it is listening on. If it did, you are all done and you should find that you are getting green lights. If it didn't map, then you probably need to turn UPnP on inside your router.

You can double check whether your port is opened by Azureus by selecting Tools > NAT / Firewall Test. This test will show you whether a particular port is opened for Azureus.

The UPnP feature shows a lot of promise. The biggest problem I have found so far is that there is precious little information about it out there. My impression is that all the latest routers have UPnP capability but they don't come with any documentation that explains it, leaving us all to figure it out for ourselves.
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