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Old 2006-03-30, 02:31 AM
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burglecutt burglecutt is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Colorado
Re: Now firewalled but bombarded.

I mean its not a big ordeal. I left the computer on and just came back to find nearly 20 different IPs trying to "remotely connect to my computer." I assume they are part of the torrent trade, I guess I was just looking for some insight as to what it means really.
Its more to do with the fact that I may not be torrenting ANYTHING and I get this warning, that Im concerned someone is trying to tap my system now that Ive left these ports open.
I have the option to "always use this action" when Im opted to block the popups, but because they come from all different addresses it seems that Im going to have to block every torrent trader in the whole wide world web until I get these popups off my screen.
P.S Blocking these "remote computers" does not affect my U/L or D/L rates. so i might think that these IPs are connected to my computer despite my blocking them.
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