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Old 2014-05-31, 06:09 AM
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Karst Karst is offline
Utterly Bastard Groovy
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Belfast
Re: I'm needing help on converting cassette masters to digital

Audacity is fairly limited for what you propose to do there. Because of the fact that it is a live show, you probably will have to put in the track markers yourself.

Most people would probably leave the normalise button alone. It can be quite drastic sometimes when it is applied.

The only way to really detect the speed issues is by listening really. And be aware that bands used to play things slower back in the day.

Mic pops and clicks just happen, I wouldn't be too worried about, completists will just want to have the recording. Copying up the channel can cause strange effects (once did it for myself and ended up with a weird echo).

If you do want experiment with some of these things, maybe try a Digital Audio Workstation like Reaper or Audio Cleaner Pro.
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