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Old 2007-01-06, 05:17 AM
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DanielG DanielG is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Australia
Re: vhs editing question..

Overscan garbage on the bottom (and sometimes on the top and sides) is a pet peeve of mine and I hate watching DVDs that have this problem. In my opinion, it displays a slackness on the author's part - it's quite simple to remove without the loss of any quality.

All you need to do is add a black border around the edges that covers the head switching noise. You don't have to stretch the video or do any of that sort of stuff.

Check out section "7.1.5 Removing garbage at the bottom of the clip" on the following page: (using VirtualDub)

Note: that link mentioned subsection "7.1.6" - the correct subsection should be "7.1.7". Also, the NTSC DV resolution is 720 x 480.
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