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Old 2008-07-26, 02:33 PM
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direwolf-pgh direwolf-pgh is offline
On the Beach
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: down in the basement
Re: how is this possible?

the extra space came from the UDF cluster size transfer to your hard drive cluster size.

(there isnt more data - just more empty space in your hard drive clusters) did you rip the DVD with a utility or just copy/paste ?

Understanding Clusters
...Before you can appreciate the way UDF works, you must understand how clusters work. A cluster is the smallest possible unit of hard disk storage. Clusters range in size depending on the size of the hard disk and the file system used. However, regardless of the size of the cluster, even a one-byte file consumes an entire cluster. Therefore, if you save a one-byte file on a hard disk that has a 16KB cluster size, the file will consume the entire 16KB.

Larger files span multiple clusters. For example, if you save a 34KB file on a hard disk that uses 16KB clusters, the file will consume 48KB. The first 32KB is stored in the first two clusters, which are completely used. However, the remaining 2KB will be placed in the last cluster. So, 2KB of the last cluster is used and 14KB is wasted.

i guess you could say you're truly 'clusterfucked'
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