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Old 2010-08-22, 08:01 AM
Thumbs down Bad Trader: Cruz Gerardo Rodriguez/Ruben Alfaro

Hi everyone,

did anyone trade with Gerardo (Ruben Alfaro) from Mexico before?

His name is Gerardo, but the name in his email is Ruben Alfaro.

On the 4th of july he contacted me for a 19 dvd trade (of which 18 were my masters) and in his first reply to my requests he asked me to send simultaneously. I haven't traded with him before, so I sticked to my rule and waited for his package to arrive. He said he would send out on july 9th but I never received anything.

I send him several emails to ask what's going on, but no reply at all. It's been more than a month now, and it all sounds very fishy to me.

So I asked my trading buddies in my e-mail group if they knew him and 4 of them had bad experiences with him!!!

This is the site and e-mailadress.
[email protected]

Last edited by Sanne; 2010-08-22 at 06:51 PM.
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