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Old 2022-06-11, 09:09 AM
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marksg marksg is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Re: Planet Rock down

Since y'all talkin about us, I might as well splain a few things. We had a number of issues with the forum, mostly circling around the deprecation of software versions and the fact that Toolman Will retired from building Vbulletin tracker forums with his integration program known as Vbitty. Yeeshkul, Crosstown and others, same deal. Yessh was lucky, they got an update from him right before he got out. Anyway, we kept it running as long as we could. It made no sense to invest in new software, or to keep paying the host fee.

My personal thanks to you folks that think any fundraising we did was for profit. The host fee was 149 CAD a month, and months we were short, the difference came right out of my checkbook! So up yours, Planet Rock cost me hundreds over the years after I took over site-ops. Don't even try accusing me of that garbage! It's the same idiots that think we were selling the domain name. Ever hear of GoDaddy, you typically lease domain names, you don't own them. Dummy.

Lastly, it's true we have a small cloud based group. No tracker. No fees. No begging for contributions from cheapskate hit and run leechers that leave nothing behind and don't even say thanks, which is 85-90% of the membership in every torrent tracker including this one. HTTPS is faster, more secure, and blends in with other internet traffic. Torrent traffic stands out in the crowd. No more Ratios. All a member has to do is share something once in awhile. No need for seeders.

We are not open registration, we might accept a few well known traders with solid track records here and there. That's about it. If we don't know you, we won't accept you. I realize there are folks here that have less than great memories of PR in the old days, and all I can say is we are a completely different place today, and because of that we've become very selective.

If you plan on submitting a registration, provide your nickname from here or Dime etc.

Last edited by marksg; 2022-06-11 at 09:36 AM.
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