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Old 2008-11-08, 09:34 PM
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vladsmythe vladsmythe is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Re: Mandatory screenshots?

I can't remember the last time I omitted screenshots from my seeds. I must say, often times they flatter the video quality. When I see other people's screens, I make a judgement as to the quality of the video. If they are large shots, the video sometimes looks better than the screen.
When I choose a screenshot, I look for close-ups with smiles, or shots that give a glimpse of the interaction so you can get a feel for the video. Most people who grab my Graceful Duck Archive vids know that it is from the edited copy from my master, or in some cases direct off my unedited master (PBS programs without commercial interruptions). The bottom line - Screenshots are merely an indicator, in my case, content - not quality. I suggest a close look at video bitrate if you are concerened with video quality. The bigger issues for video collectors are :
1. lighting
2. tripod vs. hand held
3. camera mic vs. exterior mic
4. lineage
Remember...good audio makes poor video watchable.
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