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Old 2006-09-16, 06:00 AM
Re: BAD TRADER: John Keaveney "Redfern"

In reply to the post.......

I am not a bad trader. I posted all his discs from DUBLIN; IRELAND to MEXICO on the 29th July 2006.

I subsequently was in THAILAND from the following day until the 1st september.

Obviously was wasnt checking emails for that time so any emails he sent, he obviuously thought I was ignoring him.

He was emailing me to tell me the discs had not arrived.

I have subsequently told him that I will re-send the discs in smaller batches as and when I have the time.

This is first bad word I have ever had against me. Its not nice but does nt pait a true picture.

I will leave you to make up your own minds.

I know a lot of people will back me up on this and confimr that I have and NEVER will rip anybody off.

Take Care,

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