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Old 2006-05-13, 07:50 PM
*dJ* *dJ* is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Re: Some opinions/help, please.

Originally Posted by slimeruky
I wouldn't trade it. It's just mp3 broadcast over the radio. Any lossy sources are bad to trade.
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I get the point, but how come the there's isn't any "blacked" (as in missing) frequencies? Wouldn't the mp3 have a cutoff (somewhere) and then the carrier above it .. or is the e.g. 15-17 kHz purple area just noise???

Also can you maybe tell me where you see the blockiness (time-freq or cirlcle/arrow in pic), because to be honest I don't see it.. at all!

Guess it's a good thing I asked, because to me it seemed ok!
[i wish i was better in analysing. I know the theory, but practice...]

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update: With a little bit of help of a friend I found the taper.

Turned out he let people download his recordings after you sent him an e-mail.

Actually, I have done this in the past, lost the second part, ask him for a re-upload/log-in.. without any reply. Lately I tried to e-mail him again in the hope to get a lossless/better copy, but again no reply. Makes me think he doesn't use that e-mail anymore, but i will give it one more try...

The files he shared, were 128kbits mp3's [recording was done with md, not sure if he used headphones/mic]. I still have the mp3 version, so I made a fa/sa for comparison.

Looks very similair to the ones posted earlier!!!

Good part, same friend told me there exist a second source (mic+md), with less talking. Unfortunally that source is not complete, but only two songs or so missing is not so bad..

Last edited by *dJ*; 2006-05-13 at 07:55 PM.
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