Thread: Firewalled
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Old 2006-09-11, 11:47 PM
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Re: firewalled

Originally Posted by U2Lynne
I believe this is where you are going wrong. You need to turn DHCP off. It is the IP that your router assigns to your computer that you want to be static. It looks like you are trying to play with the External IP - that needs to stay dynamic (or however your ISP likes it - most likely dynamic).

That is the one you need to uncheck. The reason it is screwing you up after you uncheck it is because you haven't done anything to your *computer* to give it a static IP. There are two steps here - give your computer a static IP and then tell your router you are using a static IP and tell it what ports to forward for it.

For your computer (assuming you use XP):
For your router:
But I *have* set my computer locally to static IP and I've restarted it to double check. Yet, when I uncheck DHCP it still wrecks my connection.
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