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Old 2008-04-06, 11:11 AM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: Seeding / Ratios / Utorrent

Every show in your uTorrent list should have a Peers and Leechers column. Each will look something like x(y). x is the number you are connected to (if it is stopped, the number will be 0) and y is the total number on the tracker. So, after you Stop all your torrents, you should Start some that have a number in the Leechers column. After you start it, it will go from 0(y) to x(y) where x is the number of leechers you are connected to. You WANT that number to be something other than 0. There is no need to try to seed a show that has a 0 in the (y) part.

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uTorrent may have a way to use rules to only seed shows that need seeds (ie. that have leechers), but since I'm not a uTorrent user, I don't know how to instruct you on that. You will have to go to the uTorrent site and read the FAQ.
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