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Old 2005-01-27, 08:04 PM
wazoo2u wazoo2u is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: Share ratio per user

BT isn't about sharing 1 to 1. That's a common misperception. Not what Bram Cohen had in mind, and not what's necessary to maintain the swarm in the short term.

This had been discussed ad infinitum at STG, and there are some differing views within the community, but the fact remains that one can maintain a DECENT upload ratio (>.70%) on a cable upload cap while running download torrents on a fairly steady basis. I leave my completed torrents seeding for as much as possible, but if they need to come down because I need the B/W, so be it. I've sometimes gone days with nothing in the D/L pipe, but that's fairly rare, and I've kept a >70 since the share ratio went into effect, and have D/L over 250 gig.

I certainly don't endorse hit and run, but I'll never tout the 1 to 1 "obligation".
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