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Old 2005-08-10, 11:43 AM
eminenz eminenz is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Re: Report all ratio issues here


First of all, thanks so much for this terrific site - for all the hard work you've put in - and for the tremendous pleasure you provide us.

I didn't realize there was no ratio system enforced - but even so, I still pride myself on maintaining a ratio that's good for the community.

I first came here a month ago to dl the Nirvana video.

Funny - I'd hesitated to start on such a huge torrent, which normally would have torpedoed my ratio for good - but other users encouraged me, saying TD keeps torrents alive a long time.

And sure enough, I've been leeching, then seeding non-stop for a month, and my ratio on that seed is 2.759.

Up until yesterday, that was the only torrent I'd opened here, so I assume that should be my ratio - but according to your site it is an even 0.00 for 0.00. (BTW yesterday I started leeching yomenetsan's fine ibrahim share - but it doesn't show either.)

Anyway, I'm running xp sp2, and azureus . I have shut down and restarted my system numerous times in the past month.

Any help will be very gratefully received!

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