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Old 2006-03-16, 04:47 PM
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feralicious feralicious is offline
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Re: DVD drive slow as molasses all of a sudden

Originally Posted by nkramar78
Another fix I've found to make the switch to DMA:

Run REGEDIT. Go to the following key:


It has subkeys like 0000, 0001, 0002, etc. Normally 0001 is the primary IDE channel, 0002 the secondary, but other numbers can occur under certain circumstances. You have to go through these subkeys and check the DriverDesc value until you find the proper IDE channel.

Delete MasterIdDataChecksum or SlaveIdDataChecksum, depending on whether the device in question is attached as master or slave, but it can't actually hurt to delete both. Reboot. The drive DMA capabilities will be redetected.

If you're wary of deleting the values altogether, it is sufficient to empty the content of these values. But you can also delete the values entirely - Windows will automatically recreate them anyway, with new content.
YOU RAWK!!! That worked. Just copied a show off a dvd in 1 min. that took 7-8 min before.

Thank you sooooooooooooooooo much!!!
feralicious goodies
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