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Old 2006-01-28, 09:43 AM
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livedead13 livedead13 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Re: Cutting frames from .mpg

How come you didn't just use Vegas instead of Audacity to add a bit of silence to the audio? You could just get rid of Audacity all together, as Vegas is much more powerful.

When rendering from Vegas, you should always (imo) render the audio and video as seperate files. The only way to render them already muxed is with mpeg audio, which I will never understand because mpeg audio is not the dvd standard.

edit: I just re-read your post. Render the audio as well. You most likely need to upsample the wav to 48kHz anyways, and it doesn't take long, so just render the audio using the same loop region, as someone else mentioned. That way you can be sure that everything will match up.

Last edited by livedead13; 2006-01-28 at 09:49 AM.
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