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Old 2005-06-13, 05:12 PM
Ted Ted is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Re: Slow Downloads....

The whole point of using UPnP was to not have to forward ports, but if you got it working, then good . There's not really much of a difference in security, from what I can tell so far.

I'm not sure about Aureus' error.

As for the download speed - it depends on a few factors - how many people are you downloading from, what their speed is, when the full moon is, etc. My point is, don't worry about the speed. You'll see fast speed and slow speed. I sometimes get over 3000kb/sec and other times as little as <1kb/sec. (on the same torrent). The only thing to check is that you are not limiting your speed by a setting in Azureus. Give yourself max download and about 75% upload (no more, or you'll never be able to surf).
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