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Old 2005-03-10, 06:29 PM
4candles 4candles is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: Standards for physically trading and b&p'ing DVDs?

Originally Posted by U2Lynne
Every single DVD I have burned has been done using the Data - DVD-ROM (UDF) tab. I then name the DVD and place the VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folder in the window and burn it. I've never had any problems with this method and I have burned a *lot* of DVDs! Of course, I'm talking about on my Mac using Toast, but I've heard of many people burning DVDs as a Data DVD using Nero and I haven't heard of any problems using that method (except for lots of user errors ).

(image of Toast contents before a burn)
It wouldn't surprise me if even in "data mode" Toast (and maybe even Nero) did the right thing with a VIDEO_TS directory and ordered the files correctly. It doesn't do any harm, so would seem to be sensible behaviour.

But the only tool I know that will actually tell you the order files are located on a DVD is "isoinfo" (a Unix command-line program that comes as part of the "cdrtools" package).
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