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Old 2008-05-27, 06:34 AM
Re: Recordings with excellent sound quality

You may be someone who prefers soundboards (SBDs) over audience recordings (AUDs). I usually prefer a soundboard, although great AUDs rock! Generally, more modern AUDs from the 1990s and up sound better than older AUDs due to better recording gear and better PA systems.

Here's a great Jimi show (1970-07-30) and it's a SBD, and sounds great:

SBD, STU (studio), FM, pre- FM, all come from the soundboard. MTX (matrix, a mix of SBD and AUD) are also ususally a safe bet that they will sound great. IEM (in ear monitor) and ALD (assisted listening device) also come from the SBD, but quailty can range from great to terrible; they are also pretty rare.
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