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Old 2008-03-08, 11:54 AM
BuCkEtHeAd416 BuCkEtHeAd416 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007

Ok so I finally hooked up the router the other day and was on the laptop seeing if the web was working and stuff right. So I accidentally logged onto my TTD acct from that computer with the firewall, because I just wanted to browse through torrents. Now its saying im firewalled on my desktop and all my upload speeds are suffering horribly. Ive tried everything from completely unhooking the router. Now my internet wont work without it cause I set up the static ip something and its all messed up. I forwarded the ports on the router admin page. I've tried everything, but it still says im firewalled. I used to run zonealarm all the time and it never said this before or hurt upload speeds. Does anyone have any idea on what I could do? I really hate to have to leave this community over something I cant figure out, but if I cant upload I will have to. Any advice you may have is greatly appreciated.
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