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Old 2007-12-08, 10:33 AM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
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Location: California
Re: can't add attachment torrent file

Old ones that had worked won't work because they are already on the tracker and you get an error trying to upload a torrent that is already on the tracker.

Dennis, you had successfully uploaded one to the tracker and I'll bet the error was because of that. I just deleted it from the tracker (I think it was Buddy Guy?)

I'm getting the sense that since vbulletin is so into caching everything now, that it 'remembers' errors and just spits them out to you all the time after you get one. I think you need to make sure to leave the upload page, then come back and do a force refresh, and then try again with a new torrent that has a new hash. I'm gonna have to work on that.
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