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Old 2008-03-05, 02:46 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
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Re: Newbie trying to reseed shows

Originally Posted by PEPSIMAN View Post
Hey Tubular, I have just reread your post and have a question for you. When I complete a download, the concert is stored in a folder named for that concert inside the MY DVD"S folder. Are you saying that the torrent file needs to be included inside the concert file of the same name?
No. Keep the torrent files wherever you want.
Also when seeding is it mandatory to keep my computer on for the duration of the seeding or can I turn the power off and continue seeding the next time I turn the computer on. I really would like to get this side of things straightened out so that I can improve my ratio. My number is heavily skewed by the fact that I have downloaded many large video files and have been unable to get the seeding going. I realize that the shows I have may not be in demand right now but I would like to help out as best I can.
Yes, you must keep your computer on in order to seed. If your computer goes off, then it can't transfer any data. If you decide to turn off your computer, make sure you stop your torrents first so that the tracker gets updated with your latest stats. Then, when you start your computer up again, you may start up a couple of torrents again.
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On a Mac? Get XLD to rip your CDs. Please see this guide - X Lossless Decoder (XLD): How to create flawless CD rips on Mac OS X

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