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Old 2005-01-07, 05:24 PM
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symon symon is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: Too Tight, Too Loose, Just right?

I can see what Charlie is saying. And the answer lies in front of him - post it on a site where the question of lineage is not so strict.
I also appreciate that Charlie just wanted to let people here know that he had a torrent on another site. Fine. But, the point that should always be remembered is that this site has a specific purpose and specific standards. If a torrent doesn't match those standards then it gets pulled. These standards are clearly laid out at various points across the site.
So, the music is important, but on TTD the lineage of the music is also seen as important too.
And that should be the end of it. Would you go to a tracker purely for Pearl Jam, for example, amd post your Band torrent there? I would guess not, because that tracker is about the music, but only a small part of it. The same thing here. If the seed doesn't meet the requirements of the site then it shouldn't be posted.
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