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Old 2006-07-26, 10:11 AM
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sjoseph sjoseph is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Angry gettin' fed up with dvd burnin!!!

Gotta VENT: I've been burning DL-ed audio shows for years now and have ventured into video just recently, but I gotta tell ya I haven't had much success at all. Of the twenty or so shows I've downloaded (days on end, as you all know), only a handful have actually burned correctly. I use Nero (DVD vid , not data) have Windows XP, and have read all the forums for directions and help, but still get the following:
reallocation error when attempting to burn or it burns without error, but when playing in my standalone (which accepts dl-ed shows cuz I've played others), it either skips, pauses and freezes, or it says this is an "incorrect disc." The latter seems to be the problem currently (the Miles Davis part one, the John Butler Trio from Woodford for example)

What the heck??
"George is gettin' angry"
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