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Old 2008-03-01, 02:42 PM
cleantone cleantone is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Comcast/Belkin/Azureus/Mac/BitTorrent help please

So today my questions do come to Bit Torrent. I used to get my ports forwarded properly. I have been using Azureus for a client. I do not tweak settings in it as I don't know enough to really know what they do beyond the port settings. I started some torrents and the trackers verified that I was not firewalled. Speeds stared out okay but quickly dropped to lame as hell. They were healthy enough torrents. I don't think it was the peers not giving enough data. I know only a little about the throttling claims. I have seen ways around it for PC's but none for Mac. Can you help please?
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