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Old 2005-01-19, 09:20 PM
wazoo2u wazoo2u is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: Question about a Source

The only strange thing is that wacky little spike at 18.5. Looks a bit like video, possibly from a Cable TV/FM feed

I don't know why people quote lineage as "PreFM". If it's a SBD, it's a SBD, broadcasting it thru an FM chain has nothing to do with anything, if you're recording a full bandwidth signal from the board.

The only thing that PreFM means to me is that the show was indeed broadcast, and therefore is in wide circulation. I think lineage should only include the signal chain specifics, and leave the "circumstances" or details about the recording to the show notes.

In reality, the "FM" factor in a capture has far, far more bearing on the quality of a recording than you might think. FM Tuners have a really wide range of quality, and sonics are affected by a number of factors, including terrain, weather, and the overall quality of the tuner electronics. A true lineage of an FM recording would (at minimum) specify the equipment used for reception.

BTW, you gonna torrent this ? I'd like to hear an '04 Crows SBD....
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