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Old 2005-05-21, 10:42 AM
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Location: California
Re: No peers are connecting, yet I'm the only seed

I just saw this post back in your thread:

PROBLEM SOLVED (for the time being)

Something is up with this but it's back on and working now. If you still have no d/l or u/l, it appears that you have to "trick" your torrent client every now and again. On mine (bittornado), I had to uncheck auto-resume, click "finish", re-download the torrent file, choose a different save path, click "finish", redownload the torrent file again, and choose the original save path. It will check existing data and resume you d/l where you left off.

Note this only works when the tracker is letting people connect. I just noticed it because a newbie jumped on and started to download. It works though (for now). Good luck. I'll post any more info as and when I get it in this thread.
Those are a lot of hoops you jumped through to get the torrent running again. I've never heard of anyone having to go through all of that. Very strange. But, it looks like you are running again, so that is good.
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