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Old 2023-08-06, 07:21 PM
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Re: Faster downloads- tweaking and sequential transfers

Originally Posted by Deadmarsh View Post
Since last message got a memory error two times (Windows supposedly out of memory while there was approx 16GB available), IO error once (related to the first memory error) and now frozen UI again (no downloads active).
About the frozen UI: is this with a dedicated download drive? If so, you have other issues: bad drivers, hardware, conflicts with other software/drivers/hardware. As you can see, this is difficult to troubleshoot and a waste of time (try a different PC).

Verify these:
Maximum number of connected peers per torrent: 5 or less (minimum of 2)
Number of upload slots per torrent: 2 or 3
If any higher, can cause issues. Set upload and download global limits to 500 (this is quite slow, but if the GUI still freezes... um time to use a different PC).

The memory error is normal with a crapton of use. It's running out of heap memory (which is the same no matter how much physical RAM you have). It's a bug. No fix I'm aware of. Just stop all the torrents (if possible). Close uTorrent. Open task manager and make sure it ended. If is doesn't end after 30min, kill it. Reopen, and on any torrents with errors, recheck and then Start. You can proactively do this and avoid the memory error. I restart uTorrent like once a month with normal use.

You should make a clean install on another PC. Get all your settings proper and make a backup of your utorrent profile folder. Copy the utorrent.exe from the Program Files folder to your profile backup (aka template). That is now your clean template you can copy anywhere and run in portable mode by creating a special shortcut containing like:
D:\UT05-prog\uTorrent.exe /RECOVER

In this case, uTorrent is running on my 5th instance (UT05-prog folder) from the D: drive. /RECOVER tells it to run in portable mode using the utorrent.exe you copied with the settings contained in that folder.

My portable instances are all created from one known good template. It's the best way to run it. If anything breaks on one profile, just delete all the files/folders and copy the files/folders from your template folder to the broken folder (note this will wipe out that profile's loaded torrents and settings, replacing them with what you template has; keep this in mind if using magnet links). I've not had to do this (it's not broken for me since discovering the dedicated drive and/or rate limit tweaks).

You can create multiple different portable templates with different configs. Just name the template folder appropriately to tell you what it's for. In portable mode you can have different torrents in different profiles. This is useful on Dime for seeding more than 60 torrents (not at the same time).

Portable mode doesn't work on 3.x. Not sure why.

Windows has had many hardware/drivers/software conflicts over the years. Look up "race conditions (software)" to understand how bizarre things can get. Seemingly unrelated processes can affect each other when they share an underlying resource or state (sometimes indirectly via a separate process...) Sometimes you can only avoid known conflicts. Like Dell branded Toshiba 4TB drives are not fully compatible with 3Ware 9650SE RAID controllers, but 4TB Toshiba brand drives with the same model number work great (this is a true experience I recently discovered). The Dell drives are fine when used in any other config I've tried. I could give you a hundred examples like this.
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