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Old 2007-05-31, 12:07 AM
ArchivalAudio ArchivalAudio is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Medford,OR
Re: Firewalled - what now?

my thought
was that it worked for me
to set up a static IP
which is suggested
at (again)

and if you follow the Melted M&M
fromm here
they use
the Addressing

thats wwhat did it for me

picking a 5 digit port to forward

at first I was ok with 6883 but then it was blocked

check here

any way
I am sure I found other info whan I was setting my airport up

it was a bit frustrating
and I thought I had it done for a while
but didn't

my Nat is ok

I think if you use the 192.168......... addressing
like Lynne suggests, it may work
since the example at portforwarding is right
and they uses the
Static IP scheme

seems to work here...

you need to go the pref pannel

and in the Shareing file folder icon

you need to "forward" the ports you want open

under firewall tab
I have added

the port
Azereus (54210)
which is the port I am forwarding

also since I am using addressing
I see this under the Services tab of the Sharing Pref pannel...

Other Macintosh users can access your computer at afp:// or browse for "XXXX_ XXXX _Computer" by choosing Network from the Go menu in the Finder.

because I have the fire wall on
but Personal File sharing
including FTP

does that make any sense?
~ Archival Audio ~
Archiving Worthy Music
since 1986 & digitally since 1995
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