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Old 2007-10-04, 01:36 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
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Location: California
Re: Protocol Encryption - Worth Doing Or Not?

Originally Posted by krokodyle
I've had that issue as well sometimes, but I thought it had more to do with having DHT disabled. Could this be a reason why it happens?

At least I'm clear on the encryption thing. Thanks for all of the info. And yes, I also use PG for added safety.
DHT allows you to bypass the tracker and still connect to other users on the torrent. So, you may end up connecting to users who are banned from this tracker for some reason or who aren't a member of this tracker or connect to a torrent that was removed from this tracker. If they show up on the list of Peers here, then it is not the first two reasons. If there is no list of Peers (because the torrent was pulled) and you are still on the torrent, then it is the last reason. No stats credit will be given to you when you are bypassing the tracker in this way since the tracker is what gives you stats credit.
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