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Old 2006-09-13, 04:59 PM
Jetrell69 Jetrell69 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: The States
Re: Bad trader:Flickn

Well if you've both been banned from places then it seems fair that this trouble you are having comes full circle.....for both of you. Trading is a "good faith" situation and if you can't keep up or back up your trades then you should slow down and take care of the mess in your wake.....if you are an entrepanuer then maybe you should reconsider why you have to sell stuff you get for free.....sounds like both you guys got some cleaning up to do so stop being childish, put your differences down, and work it out. It's the ONLY fair thing to do.

I just found out there's no such thing as the real world, it's just a lie I have to rise above.......
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