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Old 2006-06-16, 06:07 PM
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xequence xequence is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Canada
Re: Does poor ratio equate bad trader?

what are you getting in return if you seed a show?
The knowledge you dont take and not give?

skodechoker, you are a disgrace to the online trading communit
Chachi, youre a big help to the online trading community.

sometimes you can't on individual torrents
Understandable. Just seed other torrents that you can seed. It is the overall ratio that counts in my opinion.

The word trader does not apply to bit torrents. Thats the whole point Im arguing. When you seed a show you're not trading it and neither is anyone else who downloads it. You're SHARING. The word trade does not apply so quit applying it. Use the dictionary there is not once instance of the definition where the word trade applies to a torrent upload.
Did you know that in a torrent, the clients accually do trade? They accually communicate with each other and say "ill give you this piece for this piece", though that is obviously dumbed down, they dont talk like that, but whatever ;P It isnt like physical trading in the sense that it isnt "ill give you this dvd for this one", but clients do trade pieces. The pieces are different on each torrent, often between 32KB to 4MB.
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